Jack Weinstein

Jack Weinstein emerges as a seasoned stalwart in the realms of accounting and finance, boasting a rich tapestry of expertise cultivated over a remarkable 15-year career. His journey is punctuated by a series of pivotal roles, each contributing to his multifaceted skill set and strategic prowess.With a keen eye for financial stewardship, Jack has served as the interim CFO for a distinguished private equity group overseeing a staggering $3.5 billion in assets under management. His adept leadership steered the financial trajectory of the organization, ensuring optimal performance amidst dynamic market landscapes.

Notably, Jack's trajectory intersected with the burgeoning cannabis industry, where he assumed the mantle of CFO for a visionary start-up. Under his stewardship, the company burgeoned into a formidable $100 million enterprise, underscoring Jack's ability to navigate the complexities of emerging markets with finesse and foresight.His tenure at a preeminent investment bank in California further honed his acumen, as he spearheaded myriad transactions totaling over $10 billion. Jack's meticulous approach to deal-making and financial structuring has been instrumental in driving success and maximizing value for his clients.

Moreover, Jack's journey includes a pivotal stint overseeing corporate development for a prestigious billionaire-backed family office, where his strategic insights propelled the organization's growth trajectory.

Additionally, Jack's tenure within the corporate strategy team of a Fortune 500 company endowed him with invaluable insights into navigating the intricate dynamics of large-scale enterprises.

With an MBA from UCLA Anderson, Jack's academic foundation is complemented by hands-on experience and a relentless pursuit of excellence. His indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to financial mastery position him as an invaluable asset within the ever-evolving landscape of venture capital.